Tag: Property

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7 Good Reasons Why NOT to Sign An Exclusive Listing Agreement

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes You could end up on a leash if you sign an exclusive listing agreement without having read this blog first. Property sellers should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of signing an exclusive listing contract with a realtor. You should be aware of what this contract obliges you to.…

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A disastrous title problem on an Escazu building lot

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes More properties have a title problem than you imagine. Property owners just trust that their attorney does his job when they purchase. Unfortunately, very few real estate agents check the property title before they list the property. At GoDutch, as well as on the American European MLS, this is a…

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Interesting Costa Rica property showings

Homeowners should not be present at any property showings out of respect for the buyers and the real estate agent. Allow me to give you a few reasons. When I get a new property to list, I always set a few rules first. The most important one is I ask the sellers is to disappear…

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Absolutely trying hard to adjust in Costa Rica

Trying to adjust in Costa Rica is very hard work, did you know that? In November 2009, I was introduced by an old client, to a very unusual couple. I mean unusual because they were much younger than most of my clients.  This couple is barely in their 30’s. Husband Ethan, the 7-month, his pregnant…

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A memorable sale of property in Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Once in a long while, there is a memorable sale of property in every real estate agent’s career. To be a real estate agent in Costa Rica, you really need to love what you do. I DO enjoy what I do, every day. When I get up in the morning, I know something is going…

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