Tag: Property

What's up with the Corporation Tax Costa Rica this yearArtboard 2

What’s up with the Corporation Tax Costa Rica this year?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes If you own an active or non-active corporation, you will want to know how much corporation tax Costa Rica (in Spanish: impuesto a las personas jurídicas) must be paid this year. The 2023 corporation tax 2023 must be paid before January 31st, 2024. Those who fail to comply with this…

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How we measure properties in Costa RicaArtboard 2

How we measure properties in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Did you know we might measure properties in Costa Rica differently than you do? It depends on which measurement system you were educated in. When in school, you might have learned to measure properties in yards, inches, square feet, and acres. In our beautiful country, all that is no good,…

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Squatter Rights in Costa Rica - how to stop it from happeningArtboard 2

Squatter Rights in Costa Rica – how to stop it from happening

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Yes, squatter rights exist in Costa Rica. Absent landowners sometimes complain about it. Once you have squatters on your property, getting rid of them is difficult. Is it a risk to purchase a property anywhere in Costa Rica and lose this property to squatters? Here is what you can do…

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Do property sellers accept almost half the asking price?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Information floating on the internet seems to give property buyers the impression that property sellers in Costa Rica accept half the asking price. Is this true? Some buyers express that they find the prices all over the place. Well, yes, prices are sometimes all over the place. And that can…

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The neglected house for sale in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes Does a neglected house sell quickly? Let’s find out now! Dick and Jane del Valle – Springfield called me to check out their house for sale. They needed help in getting the house priced right because they already have moved to another country. Their 20-year old son is living in…

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Get rid of collectibles and war trophies before showing appointments

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Do you have collectibles or war trophies all over your house? Having a tough time selling your house? Is there a slight chance you are shocking the buyers with your collectibles or war trophies? You’ll be surprised how often that happens. A while ago, I received a surprising call from…

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3 Red Flags that will make you run from buying a property

Buying a home is like a love affair, you don’t want to see any red flags. Some buyers don’t realize that a love affair can turn into a money pit easily. An experienced realtor usually knows when buyers fall in love with a house as soon as they walk in. In my opinion, it’s important…

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Why is the property location a carefully kept secret in Costa Rica

Every day, we receive emails from buyers asking for the property location. Coming from a foreign buyer, this is a pretty normal question. But in Costa Rica, real estate agents refuse to divulge the property location. They won’t until they have a chance to show you the property and register you as their client with…

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6 Weird reasons your home is not getting showings

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Homes in Costa Rica do not sell in 72 hours, and you can count on not even getting showings during the first couple of days. I’ve written about the reasons a property doesn’t sell quite often. If nobody even shows your property, it will never sell. You’d like buyers to…

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The amazing views Grecia properties have

Did you know you can get amazing views in Grecia? There are many reasons expats want to live in Grecia. The amazing views from Grecia properties is one of those reasons. They’re amazing, those vistas, in case you didn’t know. Vistas mean views in English. In the rural areas of Costa Rica, you’ll hear the word…

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7 Costa Rica Real Estate Contract Killers You Should Know About

Do you think that as soon as the real estate contract is signed, you can take the day off and celebrate? Had you heard about those horrible contract killers than can happen to anyone? I’m sorry but unless you have the perfect real estate contract and everything else falls in place, you will not be…

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2 Ways to not get hit by the train in Costa Rica

The train was such a wonderful way of transport to a country like Costa Rica. Costa Rica does not have any heavy industries at all, but the country exports a lot. Therefore, for many years, the train was very important. Until Jose Maria Figueres closed the railroad in his government. The train stopped running. Now,…

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How to reduce mistakes when buying mountain property in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Buying mountain property in Costa Rica is not difficult at all, as long as you do your homework. Many buyers do not realize that Costa Rica is famous for its microclimates and that every mountain in Costa Rica is different. First, climate preferences are very important, as well as rainfall.…

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12 Noisy reasons to terminate an Atenas lease agreement (or anywhere else)

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Is it easy to terminate a lease agreement in Costa Rica? At GoDutch Realty we don’t do many lease agreements. The main reason for this is that many tenants feel that the agents are responsible for every detail until the tenants pass out or pass away. There is not much…

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7 reasons to live in El Cajon de Grecia

Cajón what? El Cajon de Grecia! Few imagine that is the name of one of the nicest communities to live in the Central Valley. It’s close to Grecia, not to be mistaken with Greece in Europe. I know El Cajón de Grecia reasonably well myself because I’ve joined Brooke Bishop, our Grecia agent many times…

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Do Costa Rica listing agents pay attention to bathroom listing photos?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I’m a Costa Rica listing agent myself but I am always surprised about the bathroom listing photos some listing agents post on their websites. Is the listing agent really interested in selling the property advertised or is it a joke?  And what is the reason for some of my colleagues…

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