Tag: MLS

Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?Artboard 2

Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Costa Rica has never really had a well-functioning real estate MLS system. Real estate licensing is not mandatory in our beautiful country. This is why the two existing real estate boards have never been able to create one. Although, maybe it will happen soon… What is a good real estate…

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Is double dipping common in Costa Rica real estate?

Double dipping is not only common in Costa Rica real estate, it is perfectly legal. Why is that? How can a seller or a buyer make sure there is no double dipping going on? Costa Rica real estate is quite different from how it functions in other countries. You can agree or not with the…

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Will property in Costa Rica sell faster on an exclusive listing agreement?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes Unless you love to suffer, do not sign an exclusive listing agreement for your property in Costa Rica with any real estate agency, no matter how sexy, famous, smooth, handsome, or successful the agent who promises to sell your property next week is. Why would you put all your eggs…

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7 Good Reasons Why NOT to Sign An Exclusive Listing Agreement

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes You could end up on a leash if you sign an exclusive listing agreement without having read this blog first. Property sellers should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of signing an exclusive listing contract with a realtor. You should be aware of what this contract obliges you to.…

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