Tag: IRA

Retirement Fund Prohibitions when you buy Costa Rica real estateArtboard 2

Retirement Fund Prohibitions when you buy Costa Rica real estate

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes There are a few retirement fund prohibitions when using your IRA or 401(k) to purchase real estate that you should know about. Many retirement fund owners don’t even know you can buy real estate in Costa Rica with your self-directed IRA (Individual Retirement Account) or your 401(k) (Retirement Savings Account).…

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Obtain Investor Status in Costa Rica by Using Retirement Funds

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know that you can get a foot in the door by investing in Costa Rica using your retirement funds? Of course, there are some rules. But most think their IRA or 401(k) can only be used to invest in stocks and bonds or in real estate in the…

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Use a self-directed IRA to buy a vacation rental long before retirement

You might not be able to retire for another few years. For sure you have the picture of your dream retirement home tucked away in a corner of your mind. Maybe it looks pretty much like the home in this photo? Did you know you use a self-directed IRA to buy a vacation rental? Retirement…

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