Ivo’s Blog by Godutch Realty

a Costa Rica real estate blog

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Get fit again with a personal trainer

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes After I quit smoking, I needed to get fit again. Getting back in shape is hard work but a lot of fun if you do it in the right place and with the right guides. No matter where you live now, and if you are in good health or not,…

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Costa Rica real estate agents want you to vote for Obama

I am not a political person, I cannot even vote in the US, but I want you to vote for Obama. Some might smile at this comment and some might hate me for it. That’s why I generally stay away from politics, religion, and issues that should not be mixed in business in my blogs.…

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Enjoying the Atenas Lifestyle – a dream come true

I knew I would enjoy the Atenas lifestyle even before my wife and I started this adventure. In another blog, a couple of weeks ago, I told you who I am and how I ended enjoying the Atenas lifestyle in Costa Rica. Today, I will tell you more about the town of Atenas and more…

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Moving to Costa Rica does not necessarily make you a happy person

Do you want to be a happy person? Maybe moving to Costa Rica will make you a happy person? There are quite some people who think that moving to Costa Rica will make them a happy person. But that is not always true. It’s not something that goes automatically. Many people who are thinking of…

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Atenas home sweet home in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes I made Atenas home sweet home in Costa Rica. My name is Claude Dugas and I was born in Quebec, Canada, where I lived for more than fifty years. I knew from a previous winter spent in Amazonia of Peru that living in a warmer environment could contain its charms.…

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Orthopedic problem in knees and feet | get it fixed in Costa Rica

Do you also have an orthopedic problem? I have been struggling with bad pain in my feet for years and no doctor could find what the problem was. Thank God for the internet (not of Facebook this time), that made it possible for me to find out that I have a neurological problem. Well, it’s…

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Costa Rica is pura vida – the happiest country in the world

Did you know that Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world? Who would not want to retire in the country where the happiest people on earth live? Costa Rica scores for the 2nd consecutive year # 1 on the Happy Planet Index for being the happiest country in the world. Their score is 64 points…

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Should the seller move out before closing on Costa Rica property?

For a smooth closing, it’s better for the seller to move out before closing. But is it always possible? Are there other solutions? Serious Costa Rica real estate agents will write up an offer to purchase – sale agreement on the Costa Rica property for sale. This offer should show what the buyer and the…

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Sexy condos and your ultimate costa rica real estate experience

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Costa Rican coffee and sexy condos in Costa Rica have a lot in common. They can both give you the ultimate experience. Both are for gourmets, connoisseurs, those who have higher standards than average. I remember very well my first cup of coffee in Costa Rica, it was totally horrible.…

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Public Hospitals and Ebais in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a pretty decent healthcare system with many public hospitals and Ebais clinics. By becoming a legal resident, you will have access to this social healthcare system. To obtain legal residency in Costa Rica you are obliged to register at the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social or C.C.S.S. This government-managed health care system…

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How to pay the new Costa Rica corporation tax when out of the country

Any idea of how to pay the corporation tax when out of the country? Do not lose any sleepless nights over the new Costa Rica corporation tax or “Impuesto a las Personas Jurídicas”. I updated this blog on 3/14/2019. Do you own a corporation or Sociedad Anonima or S.A. in Costa Rica? Then you are supposed…

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Absolutely trying hard to adjust in Costa Rica

Trying to adjust in Costa Rica is very hard work, did you know that? In November 2009, I was introduced by an old client, to a very unusual couple. I mean unusual because they were much younger than most of my clients.  This couple is barely in their 30’s. Husband Ethan, the 7-month, his pregnant…

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A memorable sale of property in Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Once in a long while, there is a memorable sale of property in every real estate agent’s career. To be a real estate agent in Costa Rica, you really need to love what you do. I DO enjoy what I do, every day. When I get up in the morning, I know something is going…

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Costa Rica promoted to International Living crowd

I am sitting next to Belize and I am in Cancun, at the International Living Convention 2012. Rudy Matthews and I are promoting Costa Rica living and Costa Rica real estate to future retirees, mostly from the US and Canada. Obama might be doing us a favor by winning the next US elections. This will…

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Bouldering in nature in Costa Rica

Have you ever heard of bouldering? Well, they do bouldering in Providencia de Dota. Where the heck is that? It’s a beautiful little town tucked away in the Los Santos mountains, near the National Park Los Quetzales. Most of you have never heard of El Valle de Los Santos. Well, we use to have a…

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Costa Rica bank loses harassment trial for pushing credit cards

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Banks are pushing credit cards and Costa Rican courts stopped them. Finally! Years ago, we would all get hundreds of flyers in the mail. Companies offering all kinds of services and products, that we really didn’t need anyway. A few years later, the faxes started, in the middle of the…

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