Category: Moving to Costa Rica

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5 Costa Rica Moving Tips and Guidelines

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes It’s not every day that you move to another country, so here are some must-read moving tips for you. There are many reasons for expats to move to Costa Rica, from its unique and beautiful natural appeal to the rich and diverse cultural heritage and business opportunities. One thing remains…

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No passing zones in Costa Rica are more dangerous than you think

Today’s turn is for the no passing zone and the lack of it. Como, qué dice? A no passing zone? What’s that? I have written quite a few blogs about driving in Costa Rica and strange and funny things you might find on the roads of Costa Rica and show you that driving in Costa…

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Put a lock on your house in Costa Rica when you go on vacation

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Do you lock your house in Costa Rica well enough when you go away? It is summertime again in Costa Rica and that means trips to the beaches and national parks for all of us. For sure, you will have family and friends from back home visiting. They will want…

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There is no Black Friday in Costa Rica real estate yet

Who would have guessed that we have Black Friday in Costa Rica now too? Black Friday in Spanish is Viernes Negro, but almost nobody uses that. Last Friday, I saw no Black Friday signs on any Costa Rica real estate offices. I have asked a couple of sellers but they didn’t think I was serious.…

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Ever heard of Christopher Howard’s famous Live in Costa Rica tours?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Moving to Costa Rica? Be smart and first take Christopher Howard’s famous Live in Costa Rica tours. Too many property buyers end up running all over the country without having a clue where to purchase or rent a vacation home or retirement home in Costa Rica. You have heard friends…

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Sidewalks in Costa Rica are different

Sidewalks in Costa Rica? What’s that, a sidewalk? Who needs sidewalks anyway? Costa Ricans don’t use sidewalks, even if they have one. Costa Ricans walk on the road, mostly for lack of sidewalks or there are too many obstacles. A few weeks ago, I wrote about obstacles on the roads of Costa Rica. This blog…

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Try tango, wine and bife de chorizo in Costa Rica

Do you like bife de chorizo? I had never heard of this Argentinian restaurant in San Jose, though I had driven past it many times. I don’t go to San Jose that often anymore, but it looks like the city is becoming a good place for great restaurants again. Once in a while, when I…

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American Football in Costa Rican sports bar

There are a lot of die-hard American football fans in Costa Rica, and they go to a sports bar. I have to admit I belong to that group and when not working will be at a sports place – restaurant, watching a game. Some places are great because they have the ability to show 2-3…

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How to get a Costa Rican mailing addressArtboard 2

How to get a Costa Rican mailing address

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes You are living in Costa Rica and need a new mailing address, which seems like a simple task. It can be a very simple task, depending on how easy you want to make it yourself. When ordering online, you’ll find that the space for the address is very small. Some…

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Do Ticos love or hate gringos?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Do Ticos love or hate gringos? You can read some nice and some not so nice comments on this same issue on Costa Rica Living Forum, where some tend to be a little blunt. Please leave your comments at the end of this blog, it will be appreciated very much.…

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Can a realtor be successful wearing tattoos or a different haircut?

Do you like my hairdo and tattoos? I try not to discriminate, quite the opposite. My parents have educated me very liberally, like good and open-minded Dutch. In other blogs, I have been quite outspoken about gay issues and racism. How important is it for a real estate agent in Costa Rica to dress well,…

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Free Que Pasa Website Serving Grecia and Sarchi Communities

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Que Pasa, the free-membership Grecia & Sarchi community information website started in 2014. This incredibly informative website serves the English-speaking residents and ex-pats who plan to live in Grecia and Sarchi. Debi Gedling, former Que Pasa editor, and co-founder said: “We felt that as a no-cost community information website serving…

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Is it true that Costa Ricans never say no?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know that Costa Ricans never say no? There are many reasons for moving to Costa Rica. But the most attractive one is that Costa Ricans are nice people. They never say no. If you compare the Ticos, with their neighbors, the Panamanians and the Nicaraguans (Nicas), they come…

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Not retiring to Costa Rica because of your kids?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Are you ready to retire but you’re worried about your kids? and you are dreaming to do so in Costa Rica. You see yourself already walking the beach or sitting on your terrace at your pool, enjoying the views, while having piña coladas.  But, there is one but……. Your kids.…

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Pablo’s decision making process to purchase Atenas property

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes I’d like to tell you about the decision making process before we purchased an Atenas property. Walt Disney said that “dreams really do come true.”  Now we believe it – or at least we are starting to. Ten years ago, Katya and I first visited Costa Rica.  We stayed on…

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Machismo in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Machismo is part of the Latin American culture and though education and travel are changing this gender gap, you will still see a lot of machismo in the lower and middle social classes in Costa Rica. But what is machismo? Machismo is a concept of masculine pride, associated with men…

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