Category: Moving to Costa Rica

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How to get mail when moving to Costa Rica

Wondering how to get mail to Costa Rica once you’ve moved here? To get mail is really one of those tasks you should take care of BEFORE you move to another country. You have to take into account that we don’t have street addresses in Costa Rica. Getting a mailing address is another story. So…

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The 9 things I hate the most about tenants in Costa Rica

I am a landlord myself. Dany and I thought it was a good idea to purchase a small 2 bedroom condo in Sabana as income property some years ago. Hey, I’m a real estate broker, so we should own some rental property too, right! First, we had several tenants from hell, one after another. Sadly,…

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Ned Nossaman and another Costa Rica poem

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Did you read Ned Nossaman’s Costa Rica poem last year? The title of this Costa Rica poem was Costa Rica ~ Pura Vida! in which Ned shared his feelings for Costa Rica with us. Is moving to Costa Rica a consideration for you? Ned wrote another Costa Rica poem, with…

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Moving offshore to Costa Rica saves Americans

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Moving offshore with your family is much easier than it was ever before. The internet made the world smaller and Costa Rica is now home to thousands of expats and retired foreigners, many of them Americans. Costa Rica is not just a place to hide dirty money anymore like it…

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9 Weird ways to transport your belongings in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes In Costa Rica, people have weird ways to transport stuff. Planning on moving to another home in Costa Rica? Are you remodeling your home and need to purchase large building materials like cement, gypsum, steel beams, and others? Need to take your cow to your sister’s house? Organizing a wedding…

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Before moving to Costa Rica – consider the people location

How important is to consider the location before moving to Costa Rica? Everybody knows that buying a house, it is all about location. The physical location is most vital, but what about the “people location”? If you are considering moving to Costa Rica, it is critical to plan. There are people who “stick a pin…

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12 Bugging reasons for not moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Let’s do something different today; let’s talk about reasons for NOT moving to Costa Rica. Thanks to Marian, our real estate agent in Atenas, and her almost-famous tenant, I’m able to write another blog. This story is about the tenant who has done us a favor by writing a 7-page…

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Should you trust people you meet just because they speak your language?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Should you trust people you meet in Costa Rica just because they speak your language? At home, you grew up in a certain environment and you learned how to recognize the people you don’t want in your life and those you cannot trust. When you move to Costa Rica, it…

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Drinking habits coming up after retirement in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Do you have any drinking habits like this? “Hon, grab me another cold beer from the fridge, will you? God, it’s hot today and it’s making me thirsty”.  It is only 10:00 am and John is ready for his 2nd beer of the day. What else is there to do…

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Should you worry about cockroaches in Costa Rica?

IVO HENFLING | MAY 29, 2015 When I moved to Costa Rica  a while ago, the last thing that came to my mind were cockroaches in my house. The first cockroach I met in Costa Rica was in my house in the Santa Ana mountains and the animal was huuuuge. I’m not so crazy about…

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The solution to Costa Rica’s high product prices

Costa Rica News published The real reason behind Costa Rica’s high product prices on April 8, 2015. This is a really interesting article about the fact that Costa Rican produced products are cheaper in neighboring countries than in Costa Rica itself. This article explains that commercial protectionism of certain Costa Rican industries, the high import…

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Prohibition during Easter week and Election Time

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Prohibition during Easter week in Costa Rica is something you should know about. I know, it’s like going back to the Stone Age, but we have this liquor prohibition or dry law here. Oh, and we also have a dry law, countrywide, on election day. The United States had Prohibition…

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US Embassy security message warns for living in Escazu

I was surprised to read a US Embassy security message from the U.S. Embassy in San José, forwarded to me by one of our real estate agents, who is an American citizen. You can read the US Embassy Security message at the end of this blog in case you haven’t received it yourself. In this…

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Ticos have flaws, had you noticed?

Have you noticed that Ticos have flaws, just like we all do? But let me show you that they have different flaws than you and I have. Sometimes these flaws are funny. And sometimes they’re quite the opposite. And that’s when you need to keep your cool! Costa Ricans, we call them Ticos, have a…

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Water, water everywhere in Costa Rica and not a drop to drink

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes When you live in the United States, as we do, you tend to take water for granted. In the 30 years we’ve been living in Washington DC we’ve had a water interruption only once. And the limits of our concern generally are the hope that the pipes won’t freeze at…

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