Category: Moving to Costa Rica

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Costa Rican real estate company prepares for retirees moving to Costa Rica in 2021

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Press Release – GoDutch Realty, a real estate company in Costa Rica, with a large market segment in the U.S. retirement market, is gearing up for retirees moving to Costa Rica in 2021. Customarily, the year after election year in the United States is a great year for Costa Rica.…

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10 Most Read Live in Costa Rica blogs 2020

Estimated Reading Time: 10 Minutes The best part about writing blogs for those who want to live in Costa Rica is that thousands of people read them. These blogs are the reason we receive so many visitors to our website. And, they assist our agents in answering all these questions you ask. Just like last…

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The Art of Doing Nothing in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Doing nothing is pretty easy in Costa Rica. I know a lot of people who spend their entire day doing nothing or idling. When I want to do nothing, which almost never happens, I just sit on my terrace and enjoy the weather. A friend gave me the idea of…

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Travel to Costa Rica from Virginia during Covid19 in September 2020

My husband James and I recently had to travel to Costa Rica from Virginia as tourists. And I thought I would share my experiences and tips that might help others. This is a reminder that these processes are evolving and should only get easier as time goes by. At this time to enter Costa Rica…

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5 Amazing Places to Settle Down in Costa Rica

When moving to Costa Rica you’d want to settle down in one of the most amazing places, right? A nice aspect regarding Costa Rica is that it is a fairly small country. This implies that you can get to pretty much anywhere in a few hours. Costa Rica is split up into five regions: Central…

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8 Reasons to move back after relocation to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Why do people move back after relocating to paradise? There are quite a few good reasons to relocate to Costa Rica. Try adventure, sunshine, lower cost of living, being happy,  a better lifestyle, to mention a few. But what are the reasons to move back again? It is either a…

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15 Tico Driving Habits – Driving in Costa Rica is different

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Driving habits are different because most drivers in Costa Rica probably don’t have the discipline you might have. Learn about Costa Rican driving habits before you move to Costa Rica. In my opinion, the reason is that the Latin-American mindset when driving is different. Some might think I’m trying to…

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Have a good look at affordable Grecia home rentals

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes The word is out! Grecia home rentals are among the most affordable in the Central Valley. It seems like lots of US citizens are running from something. YES, you can find Grecia home rentals for around $500 – $600/month already. Our agents don’t make much money on it, but you…

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What is Bajarse los Pantalones in Costa Rica

Bajarse los Pantalones is to give in on a dishonorable negotiation. If someone has lowered his pants when he accepts conditions that are clearly unfavorable to him. Now, that we’re in a tremendously difficult market right now. But don’t feel bad. Is there a lot of competition in your price range? Or is your property…

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How to write an application essay for a Costa Rican college

Are you moving to Costa Rica so you can go to a Costa Rican college? An application essay is a crucial part in the admission of students a Costa Rican colleges as well as it is in other parts of the world. The importance of the essays is well known and it proves to be…

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40 Smart Steps to Take before Renting a Home in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 11 Minutes Now you probably say “40 smart steps to take before renting a home”? Why so many? You would think that renting a home in Costa Rica is easy. It is when you already live in the country, and if you speak Spanish, it’s a piece of cake. But when you’re…

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How to Write a Resume for the Company from Costa Rica

Do you know how to write a resume that hits a home run? I bet you don’t! Getting a job in another country can be a daunting task. When the country in question is Costa Rica, it becomes twice as hard. However, working in Costa Rica promises one an encounter with an intriguing culture and…

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What is amarrar el perro in Costa Rica

Amarrar el perro is to tie down the dog. But in Costa Rica, amarrar el perro is something that might happen to you if you’re not careful: Someone you know asks for a loan but will never pay it back. There is a good reason for not making that loan.  The reason is that you…

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What is guácala en Costa Rica?

When the food is awful, you say guácala. But when it’s great you say esta riquísimo! The word guácala means horrible, disgusting, distasteful, yuck, dreadful, gross or nasty. Even if you’ve never had anything like it, and they serve you a Gallo Pinto, don’t say guácala. Just tell the host or anfitrión, no, pero muchas…

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10 Most Read Live in Costa Rica blogs 2019

It’s amazing how many people have enjoyed our bi-weekly Live in Costa Rica blogs 2019. What’s even more important is that blogs written 6 years ago get so much attention. Imagine that #10 was written in 2012. The #1 blog even had 32 views per day during 2019! I still enjoy writing Ivo’s blog and…

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5 Important hurdles when doing business in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Do you think you can survive doing business in Costa Rica? Well, it’s easy for some, but for others, it’s more difficult than they think. Of course, nobody wants to talk about how difficult it can be to do business in Costa Rica. But here we do because we want…

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