Category: Moving to Costa Rica

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Is Tap Water in Costa Rica safe to drink and affordable?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes When newcomers ask me if they can drink tap water in Costa Rica, I cannot just tell them a simple yes or no. I do drink the water from my water dispenser on my refrigerator. That’s more because it’s cold than I worry about water quality. My wife buys bottled…

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International Schools in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes If you’re moving to Costa Rica with your children, you want to know all you can about the international schools and the educational system here. The country has a reputation as a place where families can go to give their children a taste of living in a different culture and…

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Costa Ricans report the highest life satisfaction in the world

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know that Costa Rica is a top scorer on the Happy Planet Index? And that we’ve been so, every year, since 2006? Costa Rica has scored #1 on this Happy Planet Index (HPI) from 2007 until 2019; you can download an excel sheet with all the HPI details:…

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How Can Future Expats Go Native In Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Are you a future ex-pat ready to move to Costa Rica and do you want to go native? Then you better read this. Often, those who plan to move to Costa Rica don’t want to live in a gringo neighborhood. They really want to live amongst the local population. I…

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Will you feel at home as much when you rent instead of buying?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Should you first rent instead of buying so you can feel at home? First, do your due diligence before you do anything at all! You might read someplace that you should rent first before you buy. This works for some but doesn’t for everyone. And there are reasons for that.…

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How to dress and live without stress in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Costa Ricans still dress quite conservatively in public, although they are not as prudish anymore as they used to be. Costa Rica is not that 3rd world country where I moved to in 1980 anymore. Although, of course, television and foreign influence have opened their minds tremendously. But there are…

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Bring Furniture to Costa Rica or Buy New After Arrival?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes I often get the important question “do I bring furniture with me or should I buy new when I arrive there”? The answer can go both ways; it depends on a few things. Once you have the correct information, you can decide to bring furniture or not much more manageable.…

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10 Most Read Live in Costa Rica blogs 2021

Estimated Reading Time: 11 Minutes These are the most read live in Costa Rica blogs 2021, of a total of 615 published since 2010. It all started when I realized how many questions our website visitors ask that I could respond to easier by writing a blog about it. The hard part of writing a…

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Tolerance is the #1 Virtue needed to Move to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes No matter where you live in the world, you need tolerance to live in peace and harmony with your neighbors. Therefore, if you want to move to Costa Rica, YOU have to adapt to the local culture and not the other way around. To be able to adapt, you will…

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Checkin’ Out Costa Rica on Suicide Showers and other things to avoid

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Suicide Showers, Surfer Hotels, and Other Things to Avoid on Your First Trip to Costa Rica. Unless you want to go native and adapt to your new home country. In this blog, I’m trying to cover things you may not hear or read before you visit Costa Rica for the…

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Checkin’ Out Costa Rica | Getting Around

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Getting around this relatively small nation is pretty straightforward, but you should know a few things. Costa Rica has more than its share of national parks, outdoor activities, beaches, wildlife, laidback lifestyles, and many cultural activities. You should be aware that driving times and speed limits are slower than you…

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All About Costa Rica vehicle restriction or tag day

Estimated Reading Time: 9 Minutes I was updating this blog about vehicle restriction or tag day and realized that the government started implementing this restriction on the 6th of April, 2013 for the first time. So, it’s about time for an update, especially with all the Covid restrictions. For a realtor, before Covid started, vehicle…

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How to handle culture shock way before moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes Would you like to learn how to handle culture shock when you move to Costa Rica? Did you know that culture shock is good for you? Honestly, I didn’t either. George Santayana explains in his article that you should try culture shock to keep the mind nimble, kill prejudice, and…

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3 Must-Have Items and Virtues for New Residents in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Costa Rica is a marvelous place to live; however, there are 3 items new residents cannot do without. The Switzerland of Central America, as Costa Rica is known, is a place where it feels like every day is a vacation. With a population growth rate of 1.48% per year, more…

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Due diligence before you purchase property in Costa Rica

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Of course, everyone says they have done their due diligence before they buy a property. Unfortunately, many think they do. They end up buying in the wrong place and say it’s everyone’s fault, except their own. This happens more often than you think. That’s one of the reasons I always…

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Costa Rica on Ethical Traveler Top 10 in 2021

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Ethical Traveler keeps supporting countries working to maintain strong environmental, human rights, and eco-tourism values. This nonprofit organization, Ethical Traveler, started placing Costa Rica in its Top 10 in 2011 of the best ethical destinations worldwide.   Costa Rica did it again in 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Ethical…

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