Category: Moving to Costa Rica

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What to wear after you move to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Do you have any idea of what to wear after moving to Costa Rica? I have just moved to Costa Rica. I came from a place where during the summer, it can be 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and windy and 55 degrees F. at night. So, I was…

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Costa Rica is a tropical country – some weather observations

Did you know that Costa Rica is a tropical country? And that there a few things you should know about living in a tropical country before you move? You may have already guessed, I’m from the West Coast. A second-generation native Californian, in fact. Both sides of my family lived In California for about a…

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Driving in Costa Rica is a new experience

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes How difficult is driving in Costa Rica? I am now assuming for a minute that you have a valid drivers’ license. The kickback style of Costa Rica’s citizens is reflected in the posted speed limits throughout the country. Remember, I said “posted” speed limits. Sometimes, even I find it hard…

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City planning and public works in Costa Rica are not what you expect

by Ivo Henfling City planning and public works departments in Costa Rica are not as well organized as you are used to. Actually I don’t think the locals have ever heard of city planning and therefore planning their public works.   The not planning of a city is part of the Latin mindset: live the…

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My arrival as a new Costa Rica expat

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Our arrival was exciting, just like our decision of moving to Costa Rica. Now that we are here living in Costa Rica, I’m throwing my chronological approach out the window. I’m trying to cover topics that may have value for you. Hopefully, they’re interesting subjects and observations that perhaps will…

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Do not be afraid of speaking bad Spanish

Speaking bad Spanish is better than no Spanish. If you want to live in Costa Rica and you want to communicate with the locals, do not be afraid of speaking bad Spanish. Most people, when they are learning a new language, they are afraid of making mistakes. When I started learning Spanish, I used to…

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Take the car to Costa Rica or sell it

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Everyone who moves to Costa Rica asks if they should take the car with them to Costa Rica or sell it. So how to plan to get your possessions moved to Costa Rica? First, you need to focus on moving yourself and your loved ones south. But what about and…

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What to bring when relocating and what not

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes What to bring when moving to Costa Rica? I bet you don’t know! There is stuff you love and there is stuff you think is important. When you’re asking what to bring when relocating, you should probably make a list. Well, The house is sold, Also, the cars are sold,…

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The reality of getting your belongings to Costa Rica

How easy do you think it is getting your belongings to Costa Rica? Moving everything you own after all of the garage sales and donations are completed can still be tricky. Especially, if you: 1) Plan to rent in Costa Rica before you decide to make it permanent your home; and 2) Live on the…

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4 Important Steps When Preparing for Relocation to Costa Rica

Once you have decided on relocation to Costa Rica, there a few things you should do first. Okay, now you’ve had an offer on your house for sale and accepted. You will soon be faced with the prospect of nowhere to live. Pre-plan all you want, but it can still happen that you now are…

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Before you move to Costa Rica ⌂ get rid of your stuff

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Before you move: get rid of your stuff! If we were going to make a successful move to our new land, there was no choice but to sell our house. Most websites counsel you to take it slowly. But, before you get rid of your stuff, decide if you want…

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Some things are surprisingly different in Costa Rica

Some things are surprisingly different in Costa Rica than we think they are. Two weeks ago, I told you my experiences on setting up banking and utilities after our real estate. And today I am in my final blog about my story that started on January 25th, 2013. My wife and I think it turned…

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Get your financial act together before moving to Costa Rica

by guest blogger TicoNuevo Back home, before I tackled the financial flowchart, we were dealing with a number of banks, and credit card and financial institutions; some of whom we felt either we would not need, whose fees would be too expensive to use when moving to Costa Rica or would not be easy to…

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Hail and Lightning in Costa Rica

Yes, we have hail and lightning in Costa Rica. Real estate agents always write about the beautiful weather in Costa Rica, but this time I wanted to write about bad weather in Costa Rica, in fact, about hail and lightning in Costa Rica. The girl in the photo below is not in Denver, Colorado. She…

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