Category: Costa Rica Health & Medical Services

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Looking for medical attention in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes When moving to Costa Rica you’ll need medical attention.  So what’s available when you retire here? While we’re still waiting for our “cedula de residencia” as “pensionados” we’ve kept our MediCare in the States. Just in case there is a real medical necessity. So, if something major required a return…

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Medicinal herbs in Costa Rica

A Costa Rica real estate client asked me to write about medicinal herbs in Costa Rica. This, fortunately, comes pretty easy to me. That’s because my dad, together with his partner, Hendrik Stins, opened La Buena Hierba in 1986. This was the first real medicinal herb store in Costa Rica, although you could find medicinal…

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Public Hospitals and Ebais in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a pretty decent healthcare system with many public hospitals and Ebais clinics. By becoming a legal resident, you will have access to this social healthcare system. To obtain legal residency in Costa Rica you are obliged to register at the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social or C.C.S.S. This government-managed health care system…

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Costa Rica Private Hospitals

Wondering about Costa Rica private hospitals? Lately, I’m seeing a lot of the inside of Costa Rica hospitals. Since I quit smoking 3 years ago, I started going to the doctor. I haven’t seen any doctor in my life and now suddenly I need to see all kinds of doctors. Most doctors in Costa Rica…

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Medical Emergency Care in Costa Rica

Last Thursday, our 20-year-old son Taylor had a medical emergency in San Jose due to a seizure. That day, we found out that the medical emergency care in Costa Rica is very good. And important enough, quite affordable. A good friend needed help in getting his new ID number to reflect on his new drivers’…

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