Category: Costa Rica Real Estate Info

Why do Expat's Costa Rican Retirement Dreams Get Shattered?Artboard 2

Why do Expat’s Costa Rican Retirement Dreams Get Shattered?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Do you know why expat’s Costa Rican retirement dreams get shattered? There are several reasons, so I’ll just have to walk you through them. However, the main reason is that they are unsuccessful because they don’t listen to those with expertise. Every day, I see people asking the same questions…

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Why Rivers have Setbacks - Victims of FloodingArtboard 2

Why Rivers have Setbacks – Victims of Flooding

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Do you know why rivers have setbacks? There is a fundamental reason for that. It is raining more and more every year. It rained more in 2024 than ever before I moved here in 1980. It’s more water in a shorter time, and the soil is not able to suck…

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Do you think I can sell my Cariari home for a million dollars?Artboard 2

Do you think I can sell my Cariari home for a million dollars?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Sellers often ask me, “What can I sell my Cariari home for?” The Costa Rica real estate market is quite vibrant. Like other markets, it can move up or down quite suddenly, as many have witnessed. Nonetheless, prices of properties here don’t move much most of the time. There are…

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How to Purchase Property with CryptocurrencyArtboard 2

How to Purchase Property with Cryptocurrency

You can purchase real estate in Costa Rica with cryptocurrency like bitcoins; you only need to know how to do it. At GoDutch Realty, we have found the legal solution. It’s legal in Costa Rica to trade crypto, own the currency, and provide crypto-related services because no law currently prohibits these activities. Nonetheless, cryptocurrencies are…

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11 Things That Will Help To Sell Your Home In Costa RicaArtboard 2

11 Ideas That Will Help To Sell Your Home In Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes You can avoid making mistakes by following these 11 ideas to help sell your home in Costa Rica.  Selling a house can take years for different reasons. So, what can you do as a seller to sell your house as fast as possible? The short version is to clean up…

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Premium Costa Rica Home Purchase Advice by BuyerArtboard 2

Premium Costa Rica Home Purchase Advice by Buyer

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I have some home purchase advice that I’m sure you’ll like. My wife and I learned a lot when we bought our home in Costa Rica, and I’d like to share this advice with you. I am TicoNuevo and moved to Costa Rica in 2013. This is one of the…

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Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?Artboard 2

Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Costa Rica has never really had a well-functioning real estate MLS system. Real estate licensing is not mandatory in our beautiful country. This is why the two existing real estate boards have never been able to create one. Although, maybe it will happen soon… What is a good real estate…

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How can sellers prepare for a buyer needing a bank mortgage?Artboard 2

How can sellers prepare for a buyer needing a bank mortgage?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes When selling to a local buyer, there is a good chance that the seller will purchase with bank financing. If you want a smooth process and do not get stuck with unknown procedures, follow the recommendations in this article. If only one real estate agent is involved, especially a Godutch…

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The wrong approach when looking for property on your ownArtboard 2

The wrong approach when looking for property on your own

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Many foreign buyers make the wrong approach when looking for a property on their own in Costa Rica. This mostly happens because they want to save themselves the realtor’s commission or they don’t believe the realtor’s expertise is necessary. Unfortunately, there are many pitfalls when buying a property in a…

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Costa Rica escrow and real estate closingArtboard 2

Costa Rica escrow and real estate closing

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes What is Costa Rica escrow, and why should you use escrow for a real estate closing? Is it really necessary? The Costa Rican authorities don’t want you to purchase a property with a wheelbarrow full of money. For many years, cash purchases happened all the time. Worldwide, authorities want more…

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9 More Crucial Points to NOT to become an Unhappy SellerArtboard 2

9 More Crucial Points NOT to become an Unhappy Seller

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes When selling your property, it’s crucial to NOT be an unhappy seller. An unhappy seller usually turns into an angry seller, which makes the sale of their property almost impossible.  After writing this article about the 5 crucial keys to NOT being an angry seller, I have come up with 9…

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How we measure properties in Costa RicaArtboard 2

How we measure properties in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Did you know we might measure properties in Costa Rica differently than you do? It depends on which measurement system you were educated in. When in school, you might have learned to measure properties in yards, inches, square feet, and acres. In our beautiful country, all that is no good,…

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How to show your house in Costa Rica for sale if you have a petArtboard 2

How to show your house when you have pets

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Do you have a house in Costa Rica for sale, and do you have pets? Are your pets like a nice and cute Doberman that scares the hell out of most people? Or maybe a scary poodle that bites you in the ankles when you turn around? A lot of people…

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Does Costa Rica have security issues or notArtboard 2

Does Costa Rica have security issues or not

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Why is there so much razor wire everywhere? It seems there are security issues in Costa Rica, or not? Many clients ask if Costa Rica has security issues when they start their due diligence. Usually, that is because they see so much razor wire and bars everywhere. Most cities and…

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How important are nearby amenities in your home purchase?Artboard 2

How important are nearby amenities in your home purchase?

Estimated Reading Time: 13 Minutes Often homebuyers in Costa Rica forget to check on nearby amenities before they fall in love with a house. Are nearby amenities important to you? Or is lots of sunshine enough for you when you move to Costa Rica? Are you unsure whether you’d like to live in the Central Valley…

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All About The Property Sale ProceedsArtboard 2

All About The Property Sale Proceeds

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Did you know that Law 8204 can freeze your property sale proceeds if you cannot show the origin of the funds? The sale proceeds are the funds received by a recipient from the sale. You might think, “What do I care where the buyer got the money.” But, unfortunately, you…

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