Category: Costa Rica Property Buyer & Seller Tips

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Interesting Costa Rica property showings

Homeowners should not be present at any property showings out of respect for the buyers and the real estate agent. Allow me to give you a few reasons. When I get a new property to list, I always set a few rules first. The most important one is I ask the sellers is to disappear…

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Why Costa Rica real estate offices close during the Christmas holidays

by Ivo Henfling Every year I get surprised emails from interested people asking to see Costa Rica real estate during the Christmas holidays. They act surprised when they find out our real estate offices close down a couple of days before Christmas until after the 2nd week of January of the next year. Thousands of…

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A big step in our Costa Rica property purchase process

John Doe and his wife finally decided to make the big step in the property purchase process. This is the real story of a husband and wife who are purchasing property in Costa Rica FSBO. They bought directly from the real estate developer. Nonetheless, they wanted to tell us all about the purchase process they…

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How to keep your Costa Rica home, family and belongings safe

How to keep your home in Costa Rica safe? As you all know, I never try to hide anything that would be negative about moving to Costa Rica. Security is an issue that might stop people from moving to Costa Rica. In other blogs, I have explained why we have security issues in Costa Rica…

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Costa Rica real estate agent on call

Is there a reason everyone thinks a realtor is on call 24/7? I really don’t understand why anyone would call about a property at 11:00 pm or 6:00 am. Do you? When you are a Costa Rica real estate agent, you seem to be on call, just like a doctor or a priest in the…

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Should the seller move out before closing on Costa Rica property?

For a smooth closing, it’s better for the seller to move out before closing. But is it always possible? Are there other solutions? Serious Costa Rica real estate agents will write up an offer to purchase – sale agreement on the Costa Rica property for sale. This offer should show what the buyer and the…

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Sexy condos and your ultimate costa rica real estate experience

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Costa Rican coffee and sexy condos in Costa Rica have a lot in common. They can both give you the ultimate experience. Both are for gourmets, connoisseurs, those who have higher standards than average. I remember very well my first cup of coffee in Costa Rica, it was totally horrible.…

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How to pay the new Costa Rica corporation tax when out of the country

Any idea of how to pay the corporation tax when out of the country? Do not lose any sleepless nights over the new Costa Rica corporation tax or “Impuesto a las Personas Jurídicas”. I updated this blog on 3/14/2019. Do you own a corporation or Sociedad Anonima or S.A. in Costa Rica? Then you are supposed…

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A memorable sale of property in Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Once in a long while, there is a memorable sale of property in every real estate agent’s career. To be a real estate agent in Costa Rica, you really need to love what you do. I DO enjoy what I do, every day. When I get up in the morning, I know something is going…

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Strawberry Fields Forever and Costa Rica real estate

We have plenty of strawberry fields in Costa Rica, imagine that! On New Year’s Day 2012, it was such a beautiful day, Dany and I decided to take a day trip to Poas. As usual, because we never use a sweater in Costa Rica, we forgot to bring any and I was cold for the…

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The nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life part 1

I just went through the nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life. Even though it was probably one of the most difficult ones too. I have had some really nice closings, But I’ve also had some real impossible ones. Allow me to explain. Well, during this transaction, we went through practically every obstacle…

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The nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life part 2

I hope you’ve read part 1 of this blog series about the nicest real estate closing of my life. Not every Costa Rica real estate closing is fun. Who had expected that the bank appraiser obliged to seller to get involved in all kinds of extra payments? Especially because in Costa Rica, you buy a…

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The nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life part 3

A Costa Rica real estate closing can be a nerve-racking issue if you don’t know what you are doing. Or worse, if you’re not in the good hands of a knowledgeable realtor. I just went through the nicest real estate closing of my life as described in part I and part II. This was a…

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Cariari real estate and the busy bee

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes We have a busy bee in Cariari! Being a real estate agent in Cariari is never an easy job, but it’s fun most of the time. There are twists and turns in every deal. Patience and nerves are always on edge. It means putting up with a lot of things…

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10 Guidelines for not being an abusive buyer of Costa Rica real estate

Once in a while, we have an abusive buyer. You didn’t know they exist? Becky Clower of Blue Water Properties in Tamarindo wrote an article for We Love Costa Rica “how not to treat your realtor”. For some time, I have been thinking about writing a blog about an abusive buyer of Costa Rica real…

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Real Estate tip by Rudy: For Sale by OwnerArtboard 2

Real Estate tip by Rudy: For Sale by Owner

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes I want to share comments about For Sale by Owner that I hope will be informative. My comments are based on my personal perspective of the real estate market here in Costa Rica. Several months ago, there was a discussion about buying For Sale by Owner property on the Costa…

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