Category: Costa Rica Property Buyer & Seller Tips

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How to be a killer Costa Rica real estate buyer, or not?

IVO HENFLING | APRIL 17, 2014 This week, because its Easter week, I had a real hard time coming up with a topic for a blog. But I was saved by the bell. Thank God for emails, what would I do without them? I received a request on a property for sale in Tamarindo that…

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How to dissolve your Costa Rican corporation

Maybe you have a reason to dissolve your Costa Rican corporation? As many of you are aware, or certainly should be aware by now, the Costa Rica government imposed an annual corporation tax on all Costa Rican corporations. This is done by way of Law No. 9204 in 2012. The date the law was implemented…

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Costa Rica home inspections now hotter than ever

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes When I started selling properties in Costa Rica, nobody believed in getting home inspections done. Back then, real estate agents were afraid of recommending home inspections because they could lose the sale if the inspection would turn up a serious problem. I am talking about 25 years ago! This morning,…

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3 Reasons a CMA cannot be produced in Costa Rica

Those used to the North American real estate market, always want to know if we can produce a CMA. For those who don’t know what that is, this is a Comparative Market Analysis. In Costa Rica real estate, it is impossible to produce a CMA for various reasons. At least for now, it is not…

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Moving day to a home that is under reconstruction

Our house is under reconstruction and it’s moving day! This is the first time in our lives that we move into a home that’s still under reconstruction. I’m not trying to use my blog as a pulpit. So, I’ll try my best not to get too preachy here. But I’ve been meaning to say this…

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3 Surprising ways a Costa Rica real estate seller can lose the sale

There are many surprising ways a seller can lose the sale of a property in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, we do not have lockboxes. So, we need to organize a day of showing ahead of time and adjust our agenda (and our buyer’s agenda) to the availability of the sellers. In Costa Rica real…

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Our Costa Rica home improvement quote

It’s time to tell you about the home improvement quote. We passed the point of no return on our purchase of House #3. The decision could be responsibly taken after a favorable home inspection report. We decided to get serious about getting a formal home improvement quote from the architect and contractor who had visited…

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21-Step Costa Rica Property Buying Guide for an enjoyable purchase

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes You can use this 21-step Costa Rica property buying guide to make a relaxed purchase without making any mistakes.   You have visited all the countries that were on your due diligence list before moving to or retiring in Costa Rica. Now you are visiting to look to purchase a property…

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Shall we make an offer on this home in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Are we ready now to make an offer on a home? It was on our first day of searching for a Costa Rican home that we found an interesting one. There were more than a few red flags waving at us if we wanted to make an offer on House…

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How we began our Costa Rica housing search

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Let me tell you a bit about our housing search. For a while, Ivo has been subtly steering me toward talking about our experiences buying and renovating our house here. Until now, I have been trying to avoid it by talking about anything and everything else. But now I am…

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Do a final walk-through on your Costa Rica home before closing

Do you know it’s important to do a final walk-through before closing? Today’s the day, you have almost made it! Today is the closing date on this beautiful Costa Rican home you are buying. Now you are only hours away from “home sweet home”. Your home inspector came up with a perfect home inspection report.…

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7 Good Reasons Why NOT to Sign An Exclusive Listing Agreement

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes You could end up on a leash if you sign an exclusive listing agreement without having read this blog first. Property sellers should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of signing an exclusive listing contract with a realtor. You should be aware of what this contract obliges you to.…

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3 More Challenges Before Closing on Our Property

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes We hit on 3 more challenges before closing on our property. I apologize for the length of time that has passed since my last blog in late February. I wanted to let some time go by to digest our house purchase, before writing the last chapter, and wrap up our…

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A disastrous title problem on an Escazu building lot

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes More properties have a title problem than you imagine. Property owners just trust that their attorney does his job when they purchase. Unfortunately, very few real estate agents check the property title before they list the property. At GoDutch, as well as on the American European MLS, this is a…

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John Doe decides to go ahead with the purchase process

Wrapping up a purchase process is even more important than shopping for a property. Maybe you have read John Doe’s first blog, “A big step in the property purchase process” in December last year. We are now 1 month later and time for wrapping it up. John described the initial stages of their property purchase…

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Fog protection solution for your property in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Have you heard of fog protection for your home? Probably not! What if a burglar could not see anything, and could therefore not steal anything? Once in a while, like almost every day, we see on the news or read in the local papers that another burglary has happened. The…

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