This week, because its Easter week, I had a real hard time coming up with a topic for a blog. But I was saved by the bell. Thank God for emails, what would I do without them?
I received a request on a property for sale in Tamarindo that said: “Please realize I’m a serious buyer and I do not want to waste your time. Your agent states the property has only been listed for two weeks. I understand that. However, if you want to negotiate we need to negotiate. You and I.
The agent’s commission can be paid out of the proceeds. You need to provide me the incentive to spend approximately $4,000 – $5000 just to look at your property. We were in the Guanacaste region back in the 90’s and much has changed, I’m sure. Regardless, I’m a businessman and if we were to strike a deal I need all pertinent information before coming and what your price is. Otherwise, you need not deal with me. I don’t mean to be abrupt, but business is business and we are writing about a considerable amount of money. I don’t play “cat and mouse games” and I am in no way suggesting that you do.”
Pow! Bam! Wham! Zap! Boom!
What was that all about? I’ve seen a lot in all my years in Costa Rica real estate, but nothing like this. I’m grateful our affiliate broker in Tamarindo, Jogi Gerner, is a seasoned businessman. Imagine writing someone a check for $4,000 so they can come and look at a Costa Rica property for sale?
Usually, we strike up an intelligent conversation with a future buyer and questions and answers are flying back and forth through cyberspace, but this conversation was an unusual short one. After a quick “I think if we negotiate well we might be able to get even a little better on the price” from Jogi, the serious buyer ended up in my deleted items mailbox, but not before I was able to do this blog.
Be a killer buyer and treat your Costa Rica real estate agent well and do not behave as an abusive buyer, you’ll be surprised how well the favor will be returned!
Selling Costa Rica real estate is a lot of fun most of the time and once in a while I am “lmao”. If you are indeed a serious buyer and you prove to me you are, please contact me now and I will accept, without writing you a $4,000 check, a serious offer on any of my listings.
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I DO want to remind our readers that we appreciate any referrals you can send us. I know you all meet people on the plane, in the supermarket, at yoga, at the gym, at the Blooms ladies club, at the potluck organized by your community. Please remember the GoDutch Realty agents when you talk about your home in Costa Rica, when you meet someone who wants to purchase one, we appreciate it.