Usually, if you don’t ask a person for something, and send them reminders, you won’t get it. They won’t volunteer it. You will hardly ever see someone think ahead and suggest something to you.
In the Costa Rica real estate business that we are in, it’s very important to be proactive; I’ve learned that many years ago. At GoDutch Realty, we really want to stay ahead of everybody else. We go the extra mile to guide you through a process that you don’t know, without any potholes.
Here are a few simple examples that you might need in the near future:
Electrical Wall Switch Plates
Just last week, we sold a condo in Escazu. The buyers left to pack their household to send it to Costa Rica. They left our office in charge of making sure the condo is painted by a painter we recommended. Before they left, the buyers went to the electrical supply store to choose new electrical switch plates for all light switches and outlets. They sent me a photo by Whatsapp of the model selected.
A couple of days later, the handyman calls from the store to say they don’t have any inventory of the selected model.
The handyman could have gotten proactive: take a photo with his phone of the available switch plates that are similar, their prices, and send it by Whatapp back to me. Then it would be easy for me to email the seller to ask for feedback.
Now it will take a few days before he has a chance to go back to the store, or I will have to go. Then, by the time we get an answer from the client, it’ll be a week later.
It’s so simple you’d think.
A testament for a foreign buyer
We can’t really anticipate when we will die, although we all know that it will be our turn one day. Older people, when they move to another country, usually leave assets and bank accounts behind, and probably have a will or testament.
When they buy a house and a car they will have to make the transaction in a Costa Rican lawyer’s office.
Rarely have I seen a lawyer in Costa Rica offer the client explanation about the need of having a separate will for their assets in Costa Rica. I guess lawyers are not salespeople. But in my opinion, it is very necessary for a lawyer to explain the need for a separate will for their assets in Costa Rica. Most buyers would appreciate that recommendation. Ask your lawyer about it if you don’t have one yet.
Costa Ricans are not proactive
The two samples that I gave you are two very different samples. But I’m sure you will find out for yourself if Costa Ricans are proactive or not. In my opinion, they’re not.
I find it particularly hard to deal with our account manager at Scotiabank or any large company. And it’s even worse in the Municipality, the water company, the phone company, the power company, the cable TV company, and a few others.
I love living in Costa Rica. But I tend to get impatient when I feel the people who have sufficient intelligence to come up with a solution, are totally reactive. Then I remind myself that I should adapt to them and not the other way around.
Today’s lesson: Don’t wait, be proactive yourself, and get it done.
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I DO want to remind our readers that we appreciate any referrals you can send us. Please remember the GoDutch Realty agents when you talk about your home in Costa Rica, we appreciate it.