Category: Costa Rica Banking and Mortgages

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Costa Rica bank loses harassment trial for pushing credit cards

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Banks are pushing credit cards and Costa Rican courts stopped them. Finally! Years ago, we would all get hundreds of flyers in the mail. Companies offering all kinds of services and products, that we really didn’t need anyway. A few years later, the faxes started, in the middle of the…

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The nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life part 1

I just went through the nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life. Even though it was probably one of the most difficult ones too. I have had some really nice closings, But I’ve also had some real impossible ones. Allow me to explain. Well, during this transaction, we went through practically every obstacle…

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The nicest Costa Rica real estate closing of my life part 2

I hope you’ve read part 1 of this blog series about the nicest real estate closing of my life. Not every Costa Rica real estate closing is fun. Who had expected that the bank appraiser obliged to seller to get involved in all kinds of extra payments? Especially because in Costa Rica, you buy a…

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