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What are chunches in Costa Rica?

“What about Deco Chunches? That can be a great name for your business” I told my friends. Years ago, I was just starting to work in Costa Rica real estate, I helped some friends who started a used furniture and decoration store to find a name for their store that people would recognize easier. Their…

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Drinking habits coming up after retirement in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Do you have any drinking habits like this? “Hon, grab me another cold beer from the fridge, will you? God, it’s hot today and it’s making me thirsty”.  It is only 10:00 am and John is ready for his 2nd beer of the day. What else is there to do…

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Should a homicide be disclosed by the real estate agent?

“Are you serious, you mean the homicide was right here? And you want me to live here?”  This could be the reproach from a serious buyer who was at a showing with his realtor in Costa Rica. This is not from a suspense novel, written by a client. During the showing, he heard from the…

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Should you worry about cockroaches in Costa Rica?

IVO HENFLING | MAY 29, 2015 When I moved to Costa Rica  a while ago, the last thing that came to my mind were cockroaches in my house. The first cockroach I met in Costa Rica was in my house in the Santa Ana mountains and the animal was huuuuge. I’m not so crazy about…

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Is there enough storage in Costa Rican homes?

Do you think there are Costa Rican homes for sale with too much storage space. After 30 years of selling real estate, I still have to see the first one. I’m sure you have all this “stuff”, we call them “chunches” in Costa Rica. El “cuarto de chunches” is the room where you stick all…

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7 Ways Ticos will think you are an Ugly American

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes It’s really easy to be an ugly American in Costa Rica if you want to be one. There is an ugly American in every country, (and I don’t mean physically ugly) not only in Costa Rica. The 1958 novel turned into the 1963 movie with Marlon Brandon has made such…

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Costa Rican Construction Standards

“What are the Local Construction Standards?” is an often asked question by expats who are considering buying a house in Costa Rica. Are the construction standards for building materials and installation methods that Ticos are accustomed to the same as yours? If you have not spent much time in Costa Rica, you may not initially…

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For your information, we have lots of volcanoes in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes For your information, we have lots of volcanoes in Costa Rica When I started selling real estate in Costa Rica, roads were less crowded and we were very few real estate agents in Costa Rica. It was necessary to take listings that were within 5 hours drive from your real…

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The solution to Costa Rica’s high product prices

Costa Rica News published The real reason behind Costa Rica’s high product prices on April 8, 2015. This is a really interesting article about the fact that Costa Rican produced products are cheaper in neighboring countries than in Costa Rica itself. This article explains that commercial protectionism of certain Costa Rican industries, the high import…

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