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11 Reasons why buying a home in Cariari is a great idea

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Buying a home in Cariari is not such a bad idea at all, and you will agree with me once you’re done reading this. Cariari, also called Ciudad Cariari, is not very well known. It’s a master-planned community, for those residents who are looking for value. If you and your…

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19 Cool hand gestures you can use safely in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 10 Minutes When you come from a different country and you want to use hand gestures in Costa Rica, you have to be a bit careful. Even if you’re not planning to learn Spanish, although you should, you might want to learn a bit about hand gestures. You might be saying something…

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Is it difficult to change money in Costa Rica?

When moving to Costa Rica or just visiting you will need to change money for your day to day expenses. Often, clients ask if it is difficult to change money and if it is really necessary. The legal currency in Costa Rica is the Colon. Nonetheless, U.S. dollars are used for more expensive items like…

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13 Reasons to look for a new lifestyle in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Now that you found this article, I’m sure you’re looking for a new lifestyle in Costa Rica. You’ve done the same thing all your life and you’re now totally fed up with it. It’s time you start thinking of yourself now and not everyone around you. Costa Rica is so…

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8 ways to block the neighbor from your life in Costa Rica

Have you ever had the need to block the neighbor from your life? Well, I certainly did. And I’m pretty sure you do too. When you buy or rent a home, the neighbor comes with it. And … maybe you’re ready now to block the neighbor from your life. If you own or renting doesn’t…

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Should vacation rental accommodations have to pay taxes soon?

Is there a chance that vacation rental accommodations will have to start paying taxes soon? Many vacation rental owners are probably wondering what’s happening with that topic. Paying or not paying taxes makes a huge difference to your ROI if you have a vacation rental investment. It’s a fact that if you have income from…

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Is showing late for an appointment acceptable in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Even though we all wake up early, almost everyone comes late for an appointment in Costa Rica. Is it hard to adjust to that? Yes, it is, unless you make the rules. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, and salespeople, few have respect for someone else’s time. They are always late for an…

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Will I lose earnest money in escrow if I don’t close?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Not very often buyers ask if they lose earnest money in escrow if they will not close on time. Most of the time, they have an agreement to back it up. You don’t want to lose part of your nest egg because you made the wrong decision. It’s horrible to…

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How to finance vacation rental investment in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Potential buyers often ask how to finance vacation rental investment in Costa Rica. Owning a vacation home in paradise is a beautiful dream but not always financially possible. Does having a vacation rental make sense financially or not? You can expect an annual net return of 4 – 6% on…

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Most Popular Living in Costa Rica blogs 2017

This year, for the Holiday Season, I’ve decided to re-publish the 4 Most Popular Living in Costa Rica blogs 2017 as well as those that I wrote for the Tico Times. The Most Popular Living in Costa Rica blogs means those that were visited most and readers took at least 2.5 minutes to read them.…

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