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4 Common House Shopping Errors and How to Avoid Them

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Buyers make loads of house shopping errors, especially when they come from another country. I’m sure that first making this big decision of moving to Costa Rica and then making costly mistakes when buying a house in your new home country, is not What you are looking for. I’m also…

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How Long Should You Live in a House Before Selling Again?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes In many countries, it is pretty common for homeowners to live in a house for five to seven years before selling. It’s rare a house is a “forever” house. The truth is, if you are like most people, when you purchase a house, you only plan to stay for a…

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Should a realtor disclose a smoker’s house?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes A non-smoker will notice immediately a smoker’s house, from the moment of entering. Also, a strong smell of Febreze, air fresheners or other fragrances could mean that the seller is trying to mask an odor. The other day, when we arrived, the seller was sitting up front, waiting for us…

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Obtain Investor Status in Costa Rica by Using Retirement Funds

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know that you can get a foot in the door by investing in Costa Rica using your retirement funds? Of course, there are some rules. But most think their IRA or 401(k) can only be used to invest in stocks and bonds or in real estate in the…

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Due diligence before you purchase property in Costa Rica

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Of course, everyone says they have done their due diligence before they buy a property. Unfortunately, many think they do. They end up buying in the wrong place and say it’s everyone’s fault, except their own. This happens more often than you think. That’s one of the reasons I always…

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Costa Rica on Ethical Traveler Top 10 in 2021

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Ethical Traveler keeps supporting countries working to maintain strong environmental, human rights, and eco-tourism values. This nonprofit organization, Ethical Traveler, started placing Costa Rica in its Top 10 in 2011 of the best ethical destinations worldwide.   Costa Rica did it again in 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Ethical…

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5 Best Places for Buying a House in Chicago

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Are you moving back to Chicago and buying a house there? Even though it’s pretty cold in Chicago, some expats have reasons for moving back. I’ve had quite a few clients moving from Chicago to Costa Rica over the years. Kathy D. Peterson even wrote about her experiences.  Kathy has…

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Tree Upkeep In Your Costa Rican Garden

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes If you have a garden, no matter where in Costa Rica you have your home, tree upkeep is indispensable. There are over 2,300 different species of trees in Costa Rica, including the national tree, the Guanacaste. This tree is also known as the monkey-ear tree. With the average temperature between…

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4 Things to Know Before Buying a New House

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Are you buying a new house? From a real estate developer? Buying or selling a new house in Costa Rica is no easy task for a common man. It’s an everyday routine for a real estate agent, but it takes the savings of a lifetime for a buyer. One little…

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5 Best Seafood to Try in Costa Rica

Do you enjoy seafood as much as I do? Before I moved to Costa Rica, I was strictly a meat person. I would kill for a medium-rare steak! When I married Nina, who is a seafood person, I was introduced to the world of seafood. And I really never went back. When straddling both the…

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