Author: Ivo Henfling

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Machismo in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Machismo is part of the Latin American culture and though education and travel are changing this gender gap, you will still see a lot of machismo in the lower and middle social classes in Costa Rica. But what is machismo? Machismo is a concept of masculine pride, associated with men…

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Smoking in Costa Rica in Public and Private Places

Is smoking in Costa Rica becoming outdated? I grew up in a smoker’s family. The ashtrays were huge in our house. To quit smoking, was the most difficult thing I have done in my life. First I tried patches, gum, acupuncture, and other methods. I quit by using Champix (also called Chantix). By then, I…

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An Orosi Valley real estate can of worms

Estimated Driving Time: 7 Minutes I’d like to introduce you to a couple of Orosi Valley real estate agents: Carol and BF Wilkinson of Land and Homes in Costa Rica. Not that I want you to purchase real estate from them! It’s quite the contrary to that. If you are not careful when you buy…

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Costa Rica lost the soccer game and is still happy

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Costa Rica lost the soccer game against The Netherlands! But the Ticos are still happy! But, it is no wonder Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world because the country has the highest life satisfaction in the world. Even when they lost the soccer game against the Netherlands…

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Costa Rica had pasta for breakfast last Friday

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes   Pasta is an unusual type of food to have for breakfast and Ticos usually have Gallo Pinto at that time of the day as you all know by now. You might not know that soccer is almost a religion in Costa Rica. Last Friday, the Costarican National Soccer Team…

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Property near the Cariari Golf and Country Club offers an exciting lifestyle

The Cariari Golf and Country Club is the country’s premier and located in the most beautifully designed master-planned community in the Central Valley. This beautiful country club features the perfect location right between the cities of San José, Heredia, and Alajuela. Ciudad Cariari, a lifestyle community, is commonly called just Cariari. The community is wonderful…

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Jopco Costa Rica not willing to take responsibility for accident

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Jopco Costa Rica does not feel responsible for accidents that happen to their clients in their store. Would you buy anything from them? Haven’t we all heard of the “McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case”? Let me refresh your memory. In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck bought a cup of takeout coffee at…

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Should a Type A personality move to Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Are you a type-A personality or a type B personality? A move to Costa Rica is not for everyone. Maybe it is not for you? Moving to any other country is not for everyone, and certainly a Type A personality is one of those. It takes a lot of hard…

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Opening a Euro savings account in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Today’s story is about this Euro savings account that we needed to open. This should be an easy task. But it is not! Banking in Costa Rica is not as simple as it is in other countries. Please do not see this blog as a complaint about Costa Rica banks…

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Buying a Costa Rica condo in a broke or underfunded HOA?

When buying a condo, you might not realize it, but the condominium might have an underfunded HOA, or it’s almost broke. The problem is that you won’t find out until the HOA sends out a notice about an upcoming extraordinary assessment. With 30 years of selling properties in Costa Rica under my belt, I’ve hardly…

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How to be a killer Costa Rica real estate buyer, or not?

IVO HENFLING | APRIL 17, 2014 This week, because its Easter week, I had a real hard time coming up with a topic for a blog. But I was saved by the bell. Thank God for emails, what would I do without them? I received a request on a property for sale in Tamarindo that…

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Living in Costa Rica and you miss the traditions from your home country?

When you are living in Costa Rica, you soon might miss your countrymen, your own customs and traditions. Sometimes, it’s also fun to be able to speak your own language again. Some nationalities are well presented in Costa Rica and some are not. And they all have their own traditions. There might be certain food…

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Housewarming party ideas for your new house in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Here are some housewarming party ideas for when you purchase a house in Costa Rica. A couple of months ago, TicoNuevo was planning his housewarming party. He asked me where to find musicians to turn this into a real happening. Who else to ask than your Costa Rica real estate…

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Winter in the US and Canada vs Winter in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes I hate winter, don’t you? But, unfortunately, it seems never to stop being cold up north, even the realtors on Google+ complain about it almost every day, and we’re almost in May! It never rains in Southern California is a lie because it does. Although we get hail once every…

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Tennis outfits Grecia perfect for active retirement in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Did you know there are two tennis outfits Grecia? When showing property with clients a while ago, I saw a couple of tennis rackets and a basket full of tennis balls in the garage of the Grecia home for sale. We were way up in the mountains of Grecia and…

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Is Daylight Savings Time used in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes In the United States, Daylight Savings Time (DST) 2014 is on Sunday, March Nine and in most European countries on March 30. In Costa Rica, Daylight Savings Time was used for the first time in the summer of 1979, once in 1980 (from February until May), and in 1991 from…

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