Author: Ivo Henfling

How to Purchase Property with CryptocurrencyArtboard 2

How to Purchase Property with Cryptocurrency

You can purchase real estate in Costa Rica with cryptocurrency like bitcoins; you only need to know how to do it. At GoDutch Realty, we have found the legal solution. It’s legal in Costa Rica to trade crypto, own the currency, and provide crypto-related services because no law currently prohibits these activities. Nonetheless, cryptocurrencies are…

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11 Things That Will Help To Sell Your Home In Costa RicaArtboard 2

11 Ideas That Will Help To Sell Your Home In Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes You can avoid making mistakes by following these 11 ideas to help sell your home in Costa Rica.  Selling a house can take years for different reasons. So, what can you do as a seller to sell your house as fast as possible? The short version is to clean up…

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Do you need a Visa or Residency to live in Costa Rica?Artboard 2

Do you need a Tourist Visa or Residency to live in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes U.S. Citizens and Canadians do not need a tourist visa or residency card to enter Costa Rica as tourists; they only need a valid passport. Most Europeans do not need a visa to enter our country either. They’re lucky because Costa Ricans need a visa to go to their countries…

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Costa Rican weather and temperatures: what you need to knowArtboard 2

Costa Rican weather and temperatures: what you need to know

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I’m sure you already know that the Costa Rican weather is one of the country’s most attractive advantages. Nonetheless, you might not know that the weather and temperatures can change tremendously from one village or town to another. A friend sent me some very cold-looking photos of snow-covered roads, rooftops,…

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Legal Obligations when Owning a Corporation in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Legal Obligations when Owning a Corporation in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know you have certain legal obligations when owning a corporation in Costa Rica? Corporations are used to do business and often to hold property. For many years, lawyers have recommended that foreigners use a corporation to own property in Costa Rica for liability reasons. Money laundering laws have…

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Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?Artboard 2

Why does Costa Rica not have a good real estate MLS?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Costa Rica has never really had a well-functioning real estate MLS system. Real estate licensing is not mandatory in our beautiful country. This is why the two existing real estate boards have never been able to create one. Although, maybe it will happen soon… What is a good real estate…

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Active Adult communities in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Active Adult communities in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Are you looking for active adult communities in Costa Rica? Then it would help if you read this blog to understand how different our retirement market is from the U.S. and Europe. I often get emails from clients in the US and Canada looking to retire in another country. They…

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How can sellers prepare for a buyer needing a bank mortgage?Artboard 2

How can sellers prepare for a buyer needing a bank mortgage?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes When selling to a local buyer, there is a good chance that the seller will purchase with bank financing. If you want a smooth process and do not get stuck with unknown procedures, follow the recommendations in this article. If only one real estate agent is involved, especially a Godutch…

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Having Patience is Mandatory for Expats in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Having Patience is Mandatory for Expats in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes I’m pretty sure that a Tico or Tica came up with the saying, “Patience is the mother of all virtues.” The Spanish word for patience is “paciencia,” which is easy to learn; start practicing now. In my first years of living in Costa Rica, I was always surprised to learn…

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The wrong approach when looking for property on your ownArtboard 2

The wrong approach when looking for property on your own

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Many foreign buyers make the wrong approach when looking for a property on their own in Costa Rica. This mostly happens because they want to save themselves the realtor’s commission or they don’t believe the realtor’s expertise is necessary. Unfortunately, there are many pitfalls when buying a property in a…

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How to pack your dishes when moving to Costa RicaArtboard 2

How to pack your dishes when moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Do you really want to pack your dishes when moving to Costa Rica? What makes you think you want to bring your dishes? I can only imagine what else you’re going to bring with you. You must really adore your dishes, but if you insist, here is how you can…

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Geriatric Care in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Geriatric Care in Costa Rica: Addressing the Needs of an Aging Population

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes As the population of older adults continues to grow worldwide, the demand for quality geriatric care in Costa Rica becomes increasingly important. In Costa Rica, a country known for its natural beauty and welcoming communities, efforts to meet the healthcare needs of its aging population are gaining momentum. This article…

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Is Costa Rica paradise or hell?Artboard 2

Is Costa Rica paradise or hell?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Costa Rica is hell for a lot of people that I know of. They tell me all the time: Hell, it’s beautiful here – hell, the food is excellent here – hell, the women are beautiful here – hell, I’m having a great time; Costa Rica is paradise. via GIPHY…

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Pet culture and stray dogs in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Pet culture and stray dogs in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Until recently, dogs were not part of most families in Costa Rica, nor was there any pet culture at all. Now, almost everyone has one or more pets at home. Some years ago, people were complaining that in their condominiums, dog owners wouldn’t clean up the poop their dogs leave…

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All About Costa Rica Property TaxArtboard 2

All About Costa Rica Property Tax

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes The annual Costa Rica property tax runs from the 1st of January until the 31st of December. You can pay the property tax quarterly. The percentage of the yearly property tax is 0,25%, as regulated by Law 7509. The correct way of calculating the Costa Rica property tax or impuesto…

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What's up with the Corporation Tax Costa Rica this yearArtboard 2

What’s up with the Corporation Tax Costa Rica this year?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes If you own an active or non-active corporation, you will want to know how much corporation tax Costa Rica (in Spanish: impuesto a las personas jurídicas) must be paid this year. The 2023 corporation tax 2023 must be paid before January 31st, 2024. Those who fail to comply with this…

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