Author: Ivo Henfling

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How important is a clean house on closing day?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes   Wondering how important a clean house on closing day is? Often, everyone involved in a real estate closing overlooks this because everyone is too busy. Many sellers move out on the closing day, so they don’t have to stay in a hotel the night before the closing. So everything…

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Why is the rooster so important in Costa Rica?

Did you know that a rooster is a very important animal in Costa Rica? Wherever you turn, you’ll hear people talk about the rooster. I’m sure you all know about Gallo Pinto (no, not Pinto Gallo Kathy!) and más Tico que el Gallo Pinto if you follow my weekly blogs.  If you’re a good Catholic, you’ll…

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How important is a real estate for sale sign on a property?

Should you place a real estate for sale sign on your property when selling, or not? When selling your property, you want people to know it’s for sale, right! In most countries, you’d list your property with only one agent. Then, that agent will place a real estate for sale sign in your yard or on the…

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7 Disasters absent property owner can suffer for not having a property manager

Having property in another country and being an absent property owner is not so easy. Worse, it can easily turn into a disaster. Just yesterday, someone called me to tell me his story about having to pay an attorney a “ridiculous amount of money” to recover lost property. Of course, this absent property owner didn’t…

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Plaza Tempo Escazu gourmet plaza – a huge variety of international cuisine

Today, I’d like to tell you all about Plaza Tempo Escazu Gourmet Plaza. It has been a while since I’ve recommended any restaurants. The last time, I recommended a restaurant, I recommended you to Go Fish, which I still like a lot. Escazu has always been an amazing place for wining and dining. There are…

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12 Reasons to buy a second home in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes How far are you willing to go to buy a second home? Some people drive for days to get to their second home and don’t realize that it is quicker to fly to Costa Rica. How would it be to own a vacation house or a condo in Costa Rica?…

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Why is the property location a carefully kept secret in Costa Rica

Every day, we receive emails from buyers asking for the property location. Coming from a foreign buyer, this is a pretty normal question. But in Costa Rica, real estate agents refuse to divulge the property location. They won’t until they have a chance to show you the property and register you as their client with…

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What does chaineado mean in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes You won’t be able to prevent culture shock by learning how to use chaineado, but it is quite a good start. I have not been able to find proof that chainear comes from the English verb “to shine”. There are some references that in chainear is also used in Chicano,…

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6 Weird reasons your home is not getting showings

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Homes in Costa Rica do not sell in 72 hours, and you can count on not even getting showings during the first couple of days. I’ve written about the reasons a property doesn’t sell quite often. If nobody even shows your property, it will never sell. You’d like buyers to…

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Real estate vocabulary that does not exist in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes Quite a large real estate vocabulary does not exist in Costa Rica. Ask a real estate agent in Costa Rica about A HUD loan, a Fannie Mae, a dual agency, or a spring cleaning and they won’t know what you’re talking about. As you probably know, real estate is not…

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Annoying behavior by buyers during the showing appointment

Selling your home and you don’t want to put up with buyer’s annoying behavior during the showing appointment? Then leave before the agent arrives with the client. Most sellers in Costa Rica have the bad habit to stay at their home during a showing appointment. I allow sellers to say hi at the door when…

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Is my crystal ball too fuzzy to predict a sales price?

Sellers sometimes think I own a crystal ball. When listing a home for sale, sellers always ask me to predict a sales price. When I give them a number, they don’t like it. Why do you think I get that reaction? If I’d own a crystal ball, I would be filthy rich and we would…

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Can you buy a home with a pool in Atenas within your budget or not?

Do you want to know if you can afford to buy a home with a pool in Atenas? You really don’t need a lot more money to buy a home with a pool in Atenas than one without a pool, did you know? Before I started this article, I was researching online about why people…

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Ticos are all family

Some way or other, Ticos are all family. Just like Smith is a very common last name in the U.K. and in the U.S., Rodriguez, and Vargas are the most common last names in Costa Rica. When you marry a Rodriguez, your first born might be number 102,498 of the Rodriguez clan. There is a…

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Does a 24-7 real estate agent exist in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I call myself a 24-7 real estate agent. But am I really? It’s 9:30 pm and my phone rings. The phone number is from Miami, Fl., so I answer. The caller asks if it’s too late to call. Pretty nice of him. Almost nobody who calls after business hours asks…

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How can property sellers handle multiple offers?

It does not happen very often, but once in a while, our agents receive multiple offers on a property. The Costa Rica real estate market behaves very differently than other markets. As you probably know, real estate agents here also behave differently. Everything is different in Costa Rica than it is elsewhere and so are…

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