Author: Ivo Henfling

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What is El Güiri Güiri in Costa Rica

I’ve never been able to pronounce güiri güiri well. You probably won’t either. My wife makes fun of me when I try. That’s because you have to be able to roll your r’s. We Dutch have a hot potato in our throat, it’s an impossible task to pronounce güiri güiri correctly. In Costa Rica, güiri…

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Traditional food of Costa Rica or Comida Tipica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes You might think that the only traditional food in Costa Rica is Gallo Pinto. But Gallo Pinto is not the ONLY traditional food they have. The Spanish words traditional Costa Rican food is comida tipica Costarricense. Rice, corn, and beans are the main ingredients, but there are many vegetables here…

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15 Tico Driving Habits – Driving in Costa Rica is different

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Driving habits are different because most drivers in Costa Rica probably don’t have the discipline you might have. Learn about Costa Rican driving habits before you move to Costa Rica. In my opinion, the reason is that the Latin-American mindset when driving is different. Some might think I’m trying to…

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How to Boost Air Quality in Costa Rican Office Buildings 

While Costa Rica is often known for its amazing air quality, the country still experiences pollution in some areas. This pollution exists mainly in the cities and is largely due to emissions from transportation. Therefore, the quality of the air inside office buildings should be a priority for anyone looking to install their new business in…

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Have a good look at affordable Grecia home rentals

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes The word is out! Grecia home rentals are among the most affordable in the Central Valley. It seems like lots of US citizens are running from something. YES, you can find Grecia home rentals for around $500 – $600/month already. Our agents don’t make much money on it, but you…

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Fish tacos and more in Taco Bar

I just updated this blog about Taco Bar that I published in November 2012. Taco Bar now offers 4 locations: Playa Jacó, Escazú, Santa Ana, y Pinares. They are open during the Coronavirus emergency but check on their Facebook if you’d like to order. Every time I go to Jaco Beach, I need to stop…

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What is Bajarse los Pantalones in Costa Rica

Bajarse los Pantalones is to give in on a dishonorable negotiation. If someone has lowered his pants when he accepts conditions that are clearly unfavorable to him. Now, that we’re in a tremendously difficult market right now. But don’t feel bad. Is there a lot of competition in your price range? Or is your property…

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Dealing with home financing in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Are you dealing with home financing in Costa Rica or will you be soon? Then you will find this a very useful blog. Purchasing a home is a huge responsibility, especially if you think you can afford it but can’t find any home financing. Often, future expats start shopping for…

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40 Smart Steps to Take before Renting a Home in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 11 Minutes Now you probably say “40 smart steps to take before renting a home”? Why so many? You would think that renting a home in Costa Rica is easy. It is when you already live in the country, and if you speak Spanish, it’s a piece of cake. But when you’re…

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The 10 things I hate most about bad landlords

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes A reader suggested I should do a blog about bad landlords. Recently, I did a blog on the 9 things I hate most about tenants in Costa Rica. Thanks, Molly for your suggestion. The fact is that no matter if you rent in Costa Rica or elsewhere, you’ll find bad…

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What is amarrar el perro in Costa Rica

Amarrar el perro is to tie down the dog. But in Costa Rica, amarrar el perro is something that might happen to you if you’re not careful: Someone you know asks for a loan but will never pay it back. There is a good reason for not making that loan.  The reason is that you…

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23 Awesome Mortgage Tips for a Property Purchase in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes If you are looking to make a property purchase you’ll love the mortgage tips. In fact, using these mortgage tips will save you time, money, and effort. When you go to view houses on sale, the seller’s agent may make the buying process seem easy and straightforward. If the price…

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5 Costa Rican Vacation Essentials to Pack

To spend your vacation with no worries, it’s important to think about your vacation essentials. Costa Rica is a land of many wonders. From nature and welcoming people to adventurous activities, good food, and plenty of heritage and culture, there is something here for every visitor. Moreover, the fact that the country shares a coastline…

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Inactive corporations in Costa Rica must declare assets in 2021

In December 2019, the Costa Rica Tax office published a resolution that starting 2021, existing inactive corporations must declare their assets. This must be done between January 1st and March 15th, 2021. New corporations will have to do this starting 2020 but let your attorney worry about that when he/she constitutes a new corporation for…

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What is guácala en Costa Rica?

When the food is awful, you say guácala. But when it’s great you say esta riquísimo! The word guácala means horrible, disgusting, distasteful, yuck, dreadful, gross or nasty. Even if you’ve never had anything like it, and they serve you a Gallo Pinto, don’t say guácala. Just tell the host or anfitrión, no, pero muchas…

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10 Most Read Live in Costa Rica blogs 2019

It’s amazing how many people have enjoyed our bi-weekly Live in Costa Rica blogs 2019. What’s even more important is that blogs written 6 years ago get so much attention. Imagine that #10 was written in 2012. The #1 blog even had 32 views per day during 2019! I still enjoy writing Ivo’s blog and…

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